60 seconds with Paul Wilson

60 seconds with Paul Wilson

OK, we’ve got 60 seconds.  Tell us about yourself Paul…


Name/Job: Paul Wilson, Director of Xpress Recruitment.


Which City/Town/Country are you from?

Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, Scotland.



At Glasgow Met, formerly Glasgow College of Food Technology.


Best thing about your job?

The variety and diversity.


Phrase you live by?

Onwards & Upwards.


Signature dish?

Rack of Lamb with mint sauce.



Playing golf, watching the footie.


What would you be doing if you weren’t doing what you’re doing?

I’d probably be sitting on a beach thinking what I could do next.


What one thing would you change for the better in the Hospitality & Retail Industry

Kill the myth of long hours/poor pay/and no career prospects.  Your future is onwards and upwards!