Revenue Jobs

Revenue Jobs

If you are a Revenue Manager or involved within Revenue then this is The Number One Article on Revenue Jobs and should be read by all in a Revenue related roles. Perhaps the best definition is Wikipedia’s: revenue management is the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits from a fixed resource.  This encapsulates both the overarching goal of the process, and its crucial relationship to consumer behavior.

If you are working in the hospitality sector you will be familiar with the title Revenue Manager or Assistant Revenue Manager, these are the positions that have evolved and developed from reservations, reception and in house sales. Revenue and Financial Inventory management getting the right rate at the right time and making sure that your price is in line with your competitor set and this can be a full time job with defined duties and responsibilities. 

A Revenue Manager must operate extremely closely with Marketing, Sales and Operations. The techniques involved are a combination of market segmentation, inventory control, data analysis and advanced forecasting, pricing, sales, cost control, performance monitoring and other disciplines.

If you are a successful Revenue Manager and contemplating considering a move and thinking of using online technology in finding your new position then you need to be aware that the title is still a relevantly new and developing title unlike established titles and roles like that of a Sales Manager or Reservations Manager.
If however, you find that that elusive revenue job is not appearing for you, then perhaps the search you should contemplate is that of a specialist hospitality recruitment company Xpress Recruitment as they will quickly be able to help and assist and refine your requirements.